If you are asking yourself if there are actuator problems on your Ford F-150, the answer is – yes. As it turns out, actuator problems are the most common faults in Ford F-150.
In this article, find out all about the cost and the replacement of the 4×4 actuator in the Ford F-150. Also, find out the leading causes for your 4×4 actuator to fail.
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How Much Does It Cost To Fix A F-150 Actuator?

The type of actuator you decide to buy and where you buy it will affect how much you’ll have to spend to replace a broken Ford F-150 4×4 actuator.
For instance, if you want to repair your malfunctioning 4×4 actuator on your own, you will first need to buy a new one and then disassemble the old actuator on your truck to install the new one.
Tools like a socket set and wrench set will be needed for this. To elevate your truck high enough to crawl beneath it, you’ll also need access to a car lift or jacks.
On the other hand, if you choose to hire a mechanic or technician, they will probably bill by the hour.
For example, if they bill $100 per hour and take two hours to replace the defective actuator, the total cost would be $200 (labor plus parts).
Saving Money On Replacing A Ford F-150 4X4 Actuator
By performing the job yourself, you may save some of the expenditures associated with the blend door actuator. This is a fantastic technique to save labor expenses, but you should only use this method for straightforward removals.
You should leave it to a pro if you need to remove anything from your 2010 Ford F-150 4×4-super crew-short-bed interior to access the actuator, such as the steering wheel, dashboard, airbags, or anything else.
There are too many potential problems.
If you compare prices with mechanics in your region, you’ll discover that their charges for this work are very comparable.
So that they can offer you an appropriate quote depending on how challenging it is to remove the actuator, be sure to let them know what kind of automobile you have.
How To Fix The Ford F-150 Actuator By Yourself
With a few simple hand tools and a little time, replacing the actuator is not a difficult task that has to be done by hand. This is how:
Under the hood of your truck, next to the transfer case, look for the 4-wheel drive actuator. It has two wires in front of it and two levers on top of it, one for low range and one for high range (one cable per lever).
With an 8mm socket wrench, remove the four bolts holding down this component from underneath the hood of your truck.
Before entirely removing this component from its mountings on top of your transfer case housing assembly, you need to unplug one or more electrical connectors.
Since they are directly underneath, they could become corroded or covered in dirt over time, which could cause them to become stuck in place.
When Should You Replace Ford F-150 Actuator?
The type of car you drive will determine how frequently the blend door actuator fails.
This is a typical issue for some automobiles, although an actuator will seldom fail in other vehicles.
Even when the actuator isn’t functioning, you can still drive. Just don’t count on being comfy.
With a broken actuator, it will be difficult for the air conditioning system to deliver the proper type of air, so you will have little control over your temperature.
Before utilizing the air conditioning system once more, you should get it checked out if you hear grinding sounds or notice that the air isn’t as cool as it should be.
This is not an urgent task, but running your air conditioning system with a broken actuator might harm you.
You should solve this issue as soon as possible to avoid driving a heated, for example, 2010 Ford F-150 4×4-super crew-short-bed throughout the summer.
What Causes A 4X4 Actuator In Ford F-150 To Fail?
The first thing you can see is that your four-wheel drive system struggles to distribute power to one or both wheels if it isn’t operating correctly.
The actuator itself is typically to blame for this issue.
Here are a few typical reasons why F150 actuator issues occur.
The first thing is the blockage of the oil passageways in your transfer case, which are needed to cool and lubricate the gears inside.
When driving on unpaved roads, these pathways can get blocked with dirt and debris, increasing friction and heat buildup inside the transfer case.
Parts inside the machine may ultimately become damaged or fail due to this.
The second thing is excessively worn gears.
The transfer case gears in an F150’s transfer case aren’t indestructible; they can ultimately wear out over time if you repeatedly drive off-road or use 4×4 modes for extended periods without first shifting into neutral (which helps slow down wear).

Luna Meschiari is a full-blooded car nut who is well known to local garages, as each article is meticulously researched and peppered with the latest piece of information. Guess what car she’s driving right now? A RAV4 2021 Hybrid. But her heart also sleeps for pickups like the F-150. Get to know Luna better on the about us page.
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